Easy vagus nerve exercise to calm the nervous system and lower tension in the neck and shoulders


This is one of my favorite exercises to help calm the nervous system by directly affecting the vagus nerve and lower tension in the neck and shoulders  and increase neck mobility.


You can easily do this with your clients in the supine position and teach it to them as a self-care technique.

 Feel free to share this video with your clients!


The Power Of Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes! Performing A Neurolymphatic Massage

In this article, you’ll learn how Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes relate to the lymphatic system, their significance in restoring health, and how to perform a neurolymphatic massage!

To begin, I’d like to share my personal experience using these reflex points in an acute situation to get myself out of pain. 

It was a gorgeous Minnesota day. The 68-degree temperature, blue skies, and songbirds beckoned me to quit my work early. 

Within minutes, I was out the door driving to one of my favorite nature trails for a walk. I was barely down the path when all of a sudden a shooting pain hit my left knee and it went out on me. 

I found myself bent over, anxiously rubbing it to ease the pain. After a few seconds, I stood upright and tried to take a step. I was on the verge of panic with intense pain. As I looked around, I noticed there were no other people in sight.

Oh dear, how was I going to get back to my car? A flash of me...



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