Easy vagus nerve exercise to calm the nervous system and lower tension in the neck and shoulders


This is one of my favorite exercises to help calm the nervous system by directly affecting the vagus nerve and lower tension in the neck and shoulders  and increase neck mobility.


You can easily do this with your clients in the supine position and teach it to them as a self-care technique.

 Feel free to share this video with your clients!


Suboccipital Muscles And The Eyes

body work May 12, 2023





The suboccipitals are immensely fascinating. While they move the head and neck, their critical importance lies in the fact that they serve as a sensory system, gauging where the head is in space and coordinating balanced movement throughout the rest of the body.

These muscles are intimately connected to eye movements, and together they support the vestibular system in forming our righting reflex. They contain an unusually large number of muscle spindles which tell the brain the exact position of the head and neck relative to gravity.  (The suboccipitals have 36 spindles per gram of muscle tissue whereas, for example, the gluteus maximus has less than 1 spindle per gram of tissue). 

Try this on a client: soften the outer muscle layers so that you have contact with the suboccipitals.  With your clients eyes closed, ask them to move their eyeballs from side to side without moving their head or neck. You should be able to feel...


Trochanter Bursitis – Or Is It?

body work May 12, 2023

A diagnoses of trochanter bursitis is popular these days. But is it bursitis or trigger points? And, what is causing it? What are the perpetuating factors?

To simply calm down the bursa (treat the symptom) is helpful but if the underlying causes are not addressed for the issue, it will be a lengthy course of treatment at best, and at worst, a repeating problem that can effect gait and therefore impart imbalanced forces on the entire lower extremity. A cascade of orthopedic and musculoskeletal issues can then lead to a chronic pain syndrome. A cortisone shot is good for calming it down but that’s not the whole enchilada.

Usually the easiest way to check if it’s bursitis is to gently (and I mean no more than a nickel’s worth of pressure) press on the greater trochanter (GT). If that gentle pressure eleicits pain then it’s probably bursitis.

If not, search for trigger points in G-minimus, G-Medius, TFL, piriformis or any of the other...


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