IMPORTANT! - Please add a note indicating your choice of either streaming video or physical DVD in the PREFERENCE field .
The Releasing the Rotator Cuff Home Study course offers you the tools to give your clients complete freedom from shoulder pain. 20 CE's
It seems as if everyone and their dentist has a rotator cuff injury! The world needs more therapists who are skilled in treating rotator cuff injuries. Distinguish yourself above the rest and develop these crucial skills. With this Continuing Education Course, you will learn about rotator cuff injuries, how to release the affected muscles and how to help with prevention of future injuries. This CE Course also covers proper sleep position, stretching and strengthening exercises for the rotator cuff, which are essential for the health of the shoulder joint.
You will receive via snail mail:
- Releasing the Rotator Cuff book
- Releasing the Rotator Cuff DVD or link to streaming videos
- 25-question, multiple-choice test that must be returned for grading.
- Each student must complete two hands-on practice sessions on two different volunteer clients.
- Certificate of Completion, with all appropriate information included
"This is an awesome course! Simple, to the point and very easy to use in my practice. I love the stretching. My brother injured his shoulder playing basketball. I worked on him using these techniques and he's had wonderful results! Thank you for making this so easy to learn." – Jessah Barnard, Weatherly, PA
"I usually like to attend hands on classes but this course used many writings, descriptions, and pictures that were so informative it was as if I had attended an actual workshop! – Dorene Guida , Port St Lucie, FL
"Your home study course was very informative, easy to follow and exactly what I needed! I look forward to taking more of your courses in the future." Laurie Anne Atkinson, VA.
"This is the best home study course I have completed! Very informative with lots of material." Michelle Gardner, LMT
- Attract and retain awesome clients with these powerful techniques that deliver exceptional results
- Develop confidence in understanding the shoulder complex and how to treat the injured muscles
- Distinguish yourself above the rest as the therapist who knows how to treat rotator cuff injuries. You WILL have a booked-solid practice!
“I wanted to express my appreciation for your Releasing the Rotator Cuff Home Study course. It offers a wealth of information and resources I know will be well-served – both for my clients and for my own self-care (even helping me resolve a frozen shoulder issue. I look forward to taking more courses from you!” Paula McClure, LMT. Connecticut