$40.00 USD

Stretch Your Clients Streaming Videos

Stretch Your Clients streaming videos is a fabulous resource for both massage therapy students and practicing massage therapists interested in advancing their skills.

  • Attract and retain awesome clients with these powerful stretches that deliver exceptional results
  • Develop confidence in knowing how to stretch injured muscles and what common muscles not to stretch

  • Distinguish yourself above the rest as the therapist who stretches!

What you'll get:

  • 45 table stretches for over 50 muscles
  • The perfect stretches to easily integrate into a relaxation massage
  • Stretches for specialized bodywork sessions


What People Are Saying:

"I love to incorporate stretches in my massage. These videos gave me a lot more ways to improve my practice. To me, stretches make the experience for all more effective and longer lasting. Thank you so much!"

Julie Norman (Phoenix)