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Stretch Your Clients Home Study Course- Texas LMT'S - $160.00

Attract and retain awesome clients with these powerful stretches that deliver exceptional results.

Are you tired of being limited to the handful of stretches you learned in massage school? Love the old-fashioned home-study courses where you have physical products?

If so, this home study massage therapy continuing education course is ideal. It has been designed to help massage therapists incorporate full body stretches into their table work. You learn to stretch more than 50 muscles while using correct body mechanics.

The Stretch Your Clients! Home Study Course qualifies for 12  Continuing Education credits for Texas LMT's

IMPORTANT! - Please add a note indicating your choice of either streaming video or a physical DVD in the PREFERENCE field.

"I love to incorporate stretches in my massage. This course gave me a lot more ways to improve my practice. To me, stretches make the experience for all more effective and longer lasting. Thank you so much!" Julie Norman (Phoenix)

"This was a great home study course! The information was clear and concise. I can't wait to attend a seminar. Thank you!"– Nikita Burks (South Carolina)
You will receive via snail mail:

  • Stretch Your Clients! book.
  • Stretch Your Clients! DVD or link to streaming video
  • A 25-question, multiple-choice test that must be returned for grading.
  • Certificate of Completion, with all appropriate information included.

What People Are Saying:

"I use the stretches from your book all the time and get immediate positive feedback!"

Elizabeth Null, LMT

“Ms Lamb’s book covers most major areas via easy to understand pictures, script and the logic behind them.” –

Glynis Porter, La Grange, Texas

“The book is great!”

Tracy Schloss, Wenatchee, WA

"I forgot how many great stretches there are to incorporate into bodywork. After you leave class, they leave your mind! Thank you for the excellent recap and visual aids on stretching techniques. I have already incorporated a few stretches in my routines and my clients love them!"

Christina Chapman (Washington)

I felt like you were in the classroom with me!

Donna MacGibney